1. «Kino-Eye: The Writings of Dziga Vertov», Dziga Vertov, Annette Michelson (εισαγωγή), μτφρ. Kevin O’Brien
2. «Robert Drew and the Development of Cinema Verite in America», P.J. O’Connell, P. J. Oconnell
3. «Feminism and Documentary (Visible Evidence, Vol 5)», Diane Waldman , Janet Walker.
4. «Documenting the Documentary: Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video (Contemporary Film and Television Series)», Barry Keith Grant, Jeannette Sloniowski, Bill Nichols
5. «Voyages of Discovery: The Cinema of Frederick Wiseman», Barry Keith Grant
6. «Reality Fictions: The Films of Frederick Wiseman», Thomas W. Benson, Carolyn Anderson
7. «Beyond Document: Essays on Nonfiction Film», Charles Warren
8. «Representing Reality: Issues and Concepts in Documentary», Bill Nichols
9. «Telling the Truth: The Theory and Practice of Documentary Fiction», Barbara Foley
10. «Le Documentaire un autre cinéma», Guy Gauthier, ed. Nathan Université, Paris 1995
11. « Τι είναι ο κινηματογράφος», Αντρέ Μπαζέν, τ. 1 και 2, εκδ. Αιγόκερως, Αθήνα 1989
12. «Film documentaire, lecture documentairisante», Roger Odin, Cinémas et réalités, Univérsité de Saint-Etienne (CIEREC), 1984
13. «Documentary Film», Paul Rotha, ed. Faber and Faber, London 1952
14. «Documentary diary», An informal history of the British Documentary Film 1928-1939, ed. Secker and Warburg, London 1973
15. «Entretiens avec Joris Ivens», Albatros, Paris 1979
16. «The Odyssey of a film maker», Frances Flaherty, 1960
17. «Ο σουρεαλισμός στον κινηματογράφο», Άδωνις Κύρου, εκφ. Κάλβος, Αθήνα 1976
18. «Film theory and criticism», Leo Braudy, Marshall Cohen, ed. Oxford University Press, New York 1999
19. «Documentary film classics», William Rothman, ed. Cambridge
20. «A cinema of nonfiction», William Guynn, ed. Rutherford NJ, Fairleigh Dickenson University Press, 1990
21. «Representing Reality: Issues and Concepts in Documentary», Bill Nichols, ed. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1991
22. «Robert Drew and the development of cinema vérité in America», P. J. O’Connell, ed. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 1992
23. «Theorizing documentary», Michael Renov, ed. Routledge, New York, 1993
24. «Ordered images: rhetoric and representation in nonfiction film», Carl Plantinga, ed. Cambridge University Press, New York and Cambridge, xxx
25. «Reality fictions: the films of Frederick Wiseman», Thomas W. Benson, Carolyn Anderson, ed. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 1989
26. «Voyages of discovery: the cinema of Frederick Wiseman », Barry Keith Grant, ed. University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, 1992
27. «The cinematic griot: the ethnography of Jean Rouch», Paul Stoller, ed. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1992
28. «Beyond Document, essays on nonfiction film», Charles Warren, ed. University Press of New England, Hanover, London, xxx
29. «Documentary : A history of the non-fiction film», Barnouw Erik, ed. Oxford University Press, 1983
30. «Non-fiction film: a critical history», Barsam Richard, ed. Indiana University Press, 1992
31. «The documentary tradition», Jacobs Lewis, ed. Norton, 1987
32. «Film and reform: John Grierson and the documentary film movement», Aitken Ian, Routledge, 1990
33. «Film on the left: American documentary film form 1931 to 1942», Alexander William, Princeton University Press, 1981
34. «The vision pf Robert Flaherty: the artist as myth and filmmaker», Barsam Richard Meran, Indiana University Press, 1988
35. «Grierson on Documentary», Grierson John, ed. Forsyth Hardy, Harcourt Brace, 1947
36. «Ethnographic film», Heider Karl, ed. University of Texas Press, 1978
37. «Kino -Eye: the writings of Dziga Vertov», Dziga Vertov, ed. Annette Mickelson, transl. Kevin O’Brien, University of California Press, 1984
38. «Imaging Reality: The Faber Book of Documentary», Kevin Macdonald and Mark Cousins, ed. Faber and Faber, London, Boston, xxx
39. «Θεωρία του κινηματογράφου», Sigrified Kracauer, εκδ. Κάλβος, Αθήνα 1983
40. «Σύγχρονη θεωρία του κινηματογράφου», σύνταξη Διαμάντης Λεβεντάκος, εκδ. Ράππα, Αθήνα 1972
41. «Le cinéma experimental, histoire et perspectives», Jean Mitry, ed. Cinema 2000/Seghers, Paris 1974
42. «Writing, Directing, and Producing Documentary Films and Videos», Alan Rosenthal, USA, 2002
43. «Introduction to Documentary», Bill Nichols, Indiana University Press, USA, 2001
44. «Documentary Filmmakers Speak», Liz Stubbs, USA
45. «Cross-cultural Filmmaking: A Handbook for Making Documentary and Ethnographic Films and Videos», Ilisa Barbash, University of California Press, USA, 1997
46. «Documentary: A History of the Non-fiction Film», Erik Barnouw, New York, Oxford University Press, USA, 1974
47. «Nonfiction Film; A Critical History», Richard Dyer MacCann, New York, Dutton, USA, 1973.
48. «The Vision of Robert Flaherty: The Artist as Myth and Filmmaker», Richard Barsam, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, USA, 1988
49. «Beyond Document: Essays on Nonfiction Film », Charles Warren, Hanover, University Press of New England, USA, 1996
50. «New documentary : a critical introduction», Stella Bruzzi, London, New York, Routledge, 2000.
51. «Auden and Documentary in the 1930s», Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, USA, 1997
52. «Cinematographic Theory and New Dimensions in Ethnographic Film», Paul Hockings and Yasuhiro Omori, Osaka, National Museum of Ethnology, Japan, 1988
53. «Documentary and the Mass Media», John Corner, London, Baltimore, U.S.A.: E. Arnold, 1986
54. «The Documentary Conscience: A Casebook in Film Making», Alan Rosenthal, Berkeley: University of California Press, USA, 1980
55. «The Documentary Idea: A Critical History of English-language Documentary Film and Video», Jack C. Ellis, Englewood Cliffs, N.J, Prentice Hall, USA, 1989
56. «From Grierson to the docu-soap : breaking the boundaries», John Izod and Richard Kilborn with Matthew Hibberd, Luton, Bedfordshire, University of Luton Press, United Kingdom, 2000
57. «America on film : modernism, documentary, and a changing America», Sam B. Girgus,
Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, USA 2002
58. «A Cinema of Nonfiction», William Guynn, Rutherford, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, London, Cranbury, Associated University Presses, USA 1990
59. «Ethnographic Film», Karl G. Heider, Austin, University of Texas Press, USA 1976
60. «Seeing Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology Through Film», Karl G. Heider, Boston, Allyn and Bacon, USA 1997
61. «Innovation in Ethnographic Film: From Innocence to Self-consciousness, 1955-85», Peter Loizos, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA 1993
62. «Introduction to documentary», Bill Nichols, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, USA, 2001
63. «Nonfiction Film: Theory and Criticism», Richard Meran Barsam, New York, Dutton, USA1976
64. «Japanese documentary film : the Meiji era through Hiroshima», Markus Nornes, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, USA 2003
65. «Rhetoric and Representation in Nonfiction Film», Carl R. Plantinga, Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, USA-UK 1997
66. «Documentary Film», Paul Rotha, New York, W.W. Norton & Company, USA 1939
67. «Documentary Film; The Use of the Film Medium to Interpret Creatively and in Social Terms The Life of the People as it Exists in Reality», Paul Rotha in collaboration with Sinclair Road and Richard Griffith, London, Faber and Faber UK 1952
68. «Experimental Ethnography: The Work of Film in the Age of Video», Catherine Russell, Durham, Duke University Press, USA1999
69. «Theorizing Documentary», Michael Renov, New York; Routledge, USA 1993
70. «Kino-eye: The Writings of Dziga Vertov», edited with an introduction by Annette Michelson; translated by Kevin O’Brien, Berkeley, University of California Press, USA 1984
71. «Straight Shots and Crooked Plots: Social Documentary and the Avant-Garde in the 1930s.», Charles Wolfe, στο: «Lovers of Cinema: The First American Film Avant-Garde, 1919-1945», Jan-Christopher Horak. pp: 234-66, Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, USA 1995
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